For existing member, please use the button below to renew & extend your WikiLinkRobot membership.

Please use the same payment address (email/Paypal address) as your initial purchase.

If you use a different payment address, please contact us afterwards so we can update your account status.

Image - Leo

Member's Renewal Special

  • Add New Campaign As Usual - You'll be able to add New Campaign again just like before.
  • Commercial License Included - Use the software to generate backlinks for your own website and/or your clients website.

Normal Price: $39 - Today: $21.97



*) The button above ONLY works for account renewal & won't work for account registration. If you don't have an account at WikiLinkRobot, please create an account first.

*) Please use the same payment address (email/Paypal address) as your initial purchase. If you use a different payment address, please contact us afterwards so we can update your account status.

NOTE: If you're account doesn't get upgraded or renewed automatically after payment, please contact us here 🙂 Let us know your WikiLinkRobot username & payment email too so we can get your account active again soon.